Saturday, December 26, 2009

Traveling Through Time And Space

There are times I've considered hiding clues in different places around the earth telling someone in the future that I was there... with the hopes that the person would have a TARDIS and could come to that point in time and visit me from the future.

It's funny how much of a phenomenon Doctor Who is around the globe. I've been more than a fan since the 1970s. I say, "more than a fan" because it has saved my life on more than one occasion -- literally.

I used to pray that I could have a TARDIS to take me away from the world around me. I was never happy as a child... I'm not always thrilled with life as an adult if the truth be known. I know God on a personal level these days so I am filled with hope for the life to come ... it keeps me going. But I've always searched for my purpose in life... searched for something more by helping people on a massive scale.

I used to write stories (and still do from time to time) involving myself and a few others in adventures around the universe. I actually pulled in a number of different plots, television shows and movies into one huge adventure that I called life. There were times when that life was more real and more important to me than the one I lived.

Who knows... perhaps now that I'm actually putting text out into cyberspace, someone from the far future will see this and show up to help me see life in a different way.

This past Christmas I bought a small charm for my phone (I actually bought one for a friend and liked it so much that I bought it for myself). It's a small TARDIS that rotates with blue lights whenever I get a message or the phone rings.

I think I did all this so that I wouldn't be lonely. Maybe I need to continue writing... not that it will solve my problems, but there is a sense that the loneliness subsides when I'm in the other world with the Doctor and friends saving people around the universe in multiple times and places.

So here I am Doctor. at 11:03 pm in Columbus, Ohio. I could use a visit tonight.

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